Friday, September 25, 2009

Many Have Asked....Here's The Answer

How do I express being released after four years of service as Relief Society President?
Bittersweet. I will now have more time to devote to other things. I can volunteer in my kids' classrooms more, read more books, have a cleaner house, dedicate more time for the school board, use less minutes on my cell phone, be more available to family and friends, and simply just be able to be a 'friend' again. Some friendships did suffer for the fact that I had to be available to more people (more to counsel than to hang out with), therefore, I was less involved with those I needed to be with to cultivate relationships. I am also excited for a new challenge with my Stake calling in the RS Presidency. I love to teach, train, and work with people so I will be able to take all I've learned and work with a broader spectrum. I will miss being in the trenches, but happy to share knowledge and ideas to help other's work in theirs.

On the flip side, this week has been hard. First, I miss those whom I've served with. Not being able to see them or talk as often has left me with the feeling that a piece of me has been removed. I relied on them for strength, support, and filling me with knowledge and truth. Also, I am dealing with the struggle that I sincerely love the women of the ward and I now feel there needs to be distance. It will be hard to know of some of their difficulties and not be able to say, "How are you doing with this or that?" Not that I will separate as a friend, but the details, I no longer need to know. They have someone else to turn to. I just need to find the right balance again. And last but not least, I'm lonely. With the mantle of the calling comes such a sweet guiding spirit that was always there, in my ear, prompting and guiding me. Once I was released, it left. I feel like I've lost my best friend.

It is a great testimony to me, that no matter who is placed in a calling, the work rolls forth. I was grateful to be an instrument in His hands and know without a doubt 'God doesn't call the qualified; but qualifies the called.'


Stevenson's said...

I just have to tell you, you truly made in inpact on me while you were the Pres. I remember those times that I needed someone (and sometimes didn't even know it) but you were there. At first I might have asked Ben, who was that lady that came to the hospital? No, seriously though I remember being on magnesium and not really all the way there but I did feel so lucky that the RS pres was there for me. I sometimes wonder if our relationship would be the same if you hadn't been. So hopefully you are still my friend after being released. I love you Jen, and you did an amazing job. Thanks for being there even if you were forced to!

Dandi said...

So you mean you'll have more time to comment on my blog now? Yeah! just kidding! I hope the transitions goes more smoothly for you here on out. Good luck!

Cami said...

Four years? That calling was so inspired! You are the best example of charity, loving without judging and serving with your whole heart. What a great opportunity to serve in the Stake R.S. You will have so much to offer those ladies of your stake. You are inspiring in so many ways!!

Rob and Tonya Shallenberger said...

Today in Gospel Doctrine, the question was asked, "When have you felt alone...comparing when Christ was Alone for a time while suffering in Gethsemane?" Someone answered, "When I was released from being the Bishop." He went on to explain similar feeling that you have in your blog. I thought of you today.

I still need to chat with you. Did you get my message?

Torrie said...

I would be an offender of using the cell phone to much. I will be better for having served with you and having been served by you! You are amazing and I am thankful for all I learned from you, and look forward to learning much more.

The Williamses said...

I'm sure you didn't post this to receive a flood of testimonials as to how great you are and how much you effected us for the positive, but you get them anyway :-) Because really, you were a wonderful president and I add my voice to those singing your praises! When we moved into the ward a little over a year ago, you and the Relief Society you led were EXACTLY what I needed and I've been singing your praises ever since anyway, so why not on this blog? :-) Love ya Jen and hopefully you don't distance yourself TOO far from all of us who loved you for much more than just being the RS president.

Adam and Anya said...

Whenever I think of Relief Society I think of YOU! I guess because you're the first relief society president that has made such an effort to reach out and be a friend to me. All the girls in the ward look at you and think "MAN, I want to be friends with JEN!"

Your service will never be forgotten by me. I will forever be grateful for your service over the past years. MOST ESPECIALLY when you and Nicole came over and fixed my stomach problem. To me, THAT is what RELIEF Society is all about!!!! I will NEVER NEVER forget that!




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