Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Karate Kid

Nathan has been taking karate for a few months.  In January, they had their awards ceremony for advancements.  We decided karate would be a good sport for him so he can learn to channel all of his energy.  At times he isn't very focused and has little self control (I know, shocker).  If anything, it's given Jason a little more competition in their nightly duels.

Look at that determination and focus.  It's like they gave him Benadryl.

They had to use their mad skills to take on an adult.

The take down.  The smiles are very fierce.

Nathan's Sensei.  He is amazing.  When the kids aren't giving him their undivided attention he makes them do push-ups.  The kids have learned to really respect him.

He not only advanced to yellow belt...but the yellow and black striped belt.  He will come in very handy in my future Black Friday outings.  Good job grasshopper.



Jess said...

Okay, I am dying how grown up he looks! I still remember him being 5 years old...:(

Cami said...

Martial arts rule!! Way to go Nathan!




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