Thursday, September 15, 2011

I'm Not Smarter Than a 5th Grader

Horrible confession:  My son has overly annoyed me lately.  For those who thought I am the perfect mom...sorry to disappoint you, again.  He's 10, has a ton of energy, and lately I swear he finds things to push every nerve and button I have.  I feel like a cloud of negativity has been hanging over the house.  When he and I are home together I feel I am always coming down on him and wondering what the heck is going wrong.  Or is it that he has some learning disability? No other kids his age could possibly be acting up like he is, right?  Do you moms ever feel this the Wicked Witch of the West, but morphed into it because you HAD to?

Nathan's Mom:

So on the day I'm ready to rent myself out to a more normal family, my son comes home with his 'Student of the Week' booklet that his classmates made for him.  Each of them wrote what they most like about him and what characteristic they feel he represents and why.  Some of descriptions include:
* You always want to help.
*You aren't afraid to be yourself.
*You do such a good job at being a team leader.
*You tell funny jokes and make me laugh. (multiples of this)
*Nice to everyone.
*You are always fair.
*Always nice and never get mad.
*You respect other people.
*I can tell you anything without you telling anyone.
*You never say anything mean.
*You take care of people.
*You are honest and loyal.
*You will never not offer to help someone.
*You are the nicest person ever.
*You give people's stuff back if you find it.
*You never talk back to people.
*If someone is sad, you play with them.
*Anyone could count on you.

My heart became so heavy.  These 5th graders were recognizing all his strengths while I was choosing to only see my high expectations and overlook all the good he does.  I think I'm the one with a learning disorder.  I have failed so many times in the parenting aspect.  Just give me a big fat 'F'.  

I realize these kids weren't encouraged to write anything negative, but there's something to be said about compliments coming from individuals who don't HAVE to say it.  If my family or friends give compliments, it's easy to question if they are only saying nice things because they don't want to offend or hurt feelings.  These comments were honest ones from his peers.  Somehow for some reason, that day those little opinions carried more weight as I sat and cried while I read them.  I was humbled by a classroom of 5th graders.  Humiliated and grateful at the same time.  I just want to hug all of them for waking me up.  

Today's picture of Nathan's Mom:



Lori said...

I guess those words right there prove your doing something right! Or, at least Jason is ;)!

Rob and Tonya Shallenberger said...

Right there with ya sista. Can you please move so they can be friends next door. :)

Talialisa said...

1st half of post - describes the relationship with the oldest child...seriously wish it would end!
2nd half of post - made me realize that I need to find a way to see the good & not the bad...




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