Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Smith Valentine Party '11

 Yeah, I'm blogging in March about a Valentine Party.  It was one of those, do I still do it because it's outdated?  I knew I would feel better if I just did it rather than let pictures sit on my camera for a few more months.  AND since holiday decor and gifts seem to appear sooner in retail every year, I figured I'd take the initiative and have you start thinking of it NOW.

Kelley in all her fabulousness has an annual party for Valentines (and for every other holiday).  This was my first one so I didn't quite know what to expect.  I thought I was going to be pretty cool with my Valentine, turns out I was amateur compared to some of the other talented ladies.

 Thanks to Megan, I had a fitting valentine box that I didn't have to make.  To go with my plane valentines, I had the Barbie plane.  My tag on the planes were inspired by the Bachelor with 'I am the wind beneath your wings.'

Here are some other valentines handed out that night:

As you can see, each valentine had a number assigned.  We voted on best valentine, valentine box, and valentine outfits.

Amanda won 'Most Creative' with her donut pin cushions.  She has little kids running around, how does she find the time??  And what's my excuse?  I also love Megan's laugh in this picture.  It makes me smile. :)

Lindsey won 'Most Sentimental.'  Pages from a book connected and spelling 'love.'  Even better was the story behind it.  She purchased the book at a thrift store, tore the pages, made the valentines, and then found out the book was worth in the hundreds on the internet.

Beth won the 'Most Tasty' with her tasty fudge.

Sarah won 'Most Old School' outfit.

Kelli won first place with her i-bot.

Whenever I hear awards are involved, even if they are cheap and cheesy, I'm in it to win it.  Kelley's awards are worth every effort put into it.  Since she is an artist by trade, anything made by her will be worth millions one day.  I heard there would be awards on outfits with one being 'Best Over the Top.'  I joked on facebook that I would show up in my teddy lingerie.  Once I typed it, I decided to go with it.  Whatta ya know, I was the ONLY one who went absurd and... took home the ribbon.  Ladies and Gentlemen, I present my teddy lingerie of which not only my friends have seen me in, but Dennis too.

1 comment:

Talialisa said...

Fun Party! Love the Teddy Lingerie




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