Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Night Like No Other

Something amazing happens as a parent when your oldest child goes through the temple the first time. Her life flashed before my eyes. It didn't seem possible that we were already at this stage, yet, she's never been more prepared.

Jason and Nathan went to Father and Son's campout. Brynna and I wanted to plan a special G.N.O. Since she turned 12, I wanted to be able to take her to the temple to help her with her first experience. The youth will be going at the end of the month, but Saturdays are a whirlwind with so many people in and out. I wanted to take the time to help her understand and ask questions. Caity also turned 12 and her parents had the same desire for her. As moms, we thought a wonderful mother's day gift would be to take our daughters together to the temple.

The girls were so excited, nervous, and giddy. It was a refreshing reminder to watch their eyes as they looked around at the paintings, the decor, and the experience with awe and wonder. It made me realize how often I take it for granted. Brynna was amazed at the white hymn books. When it all seemed so real was when they used her name in the ordinances of 'Sister Tanner' and to know they weren't speaking of me. The next 'Sister Tanner' is stepping up and doing her part. It was the highlight of her weekend and she said she has never felt the spirit so strong.

One of my highlights while there, was being in the baptismal area with Robert Allen. He was the one who portrayed Jesus Christ in 'Reflections of Christ'. He was there with his wife and children. As he was baptizing his children, it was looked like the Savior himself performing the ordinance. My heart is so full as a mother and it will be a memory that I will cherish forever.


Lori said...

That is awesome!!! Can you imagine the day she is sealed? I was saying to Richard the other day how we don't have much to look forward to in our own lives now. You know we've been married had kids yada, yada. However, these are the days I look forward to now!

Lori said...

ooops, I'm back. I just clicked on your sexy people link. I just couldn't help myself knowing you. So is May 2nd your Jason? It totally looks like it could be.

Jess said...

What a great idea for GNO. I am totally going to do this with Taleah when she turns 12. What a difference it would have made if the first time I did baptisms my mother mother was there to answer all my crazy questions....

Unknown said...

I love Brynna and Caity! You have done such a great job raising Brynna. She's special!

Stephanie said...

Brynna told me about it in Young Women's today. I could tell she was really touched by the Spirit there. She and Caity are so pure and innocent, just as they should be.

You all did a wonderful job today with your mother's day song. It was beautiful!

Cami said...

What a special day. Brynna is a doll! She is blessed to have such a great mom!

Tiffani Mills said...

I can't believe Brynna is 12!! Time flies! And such a great idea for a mommy/daughter night! Nice to have that first experience with your mom not just the ward

Rob and Tonya Shallenberger said...

Wow! How did she grow up so quickly? They both look older but still so dang cute!

As for the bathroom...please come and shop for me. Be prepared to shop at Walmart. :)

Brooke said...

That's so sweet...I love how thoughtful you are! What a perfect way to introduce her to the temple, you are one sweet mama!! Brynna is so beautiful in her dress by the!

Colemans said...

You are a great example to me as a mother. Thanks for sharing.

Marnie said...

I love the Mesa Temple! How great that you got to take Brynna there. I want to do that with Maddie when she turns 12!




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