Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Since When Did Santa Become the Bad Guy?

Yes, his name rearranged spells Satan.  Yes, he is make believe.  Yes, he carries a lot of hype.  And yes, the line between those who love and hate him is becoming clearer.

This entry is based on my thoughts and is not meant to knock on anyone else's, but I've been assured by my husband that I will definitely ruffle some feathers, and probably more so than with the trophies and birthday bag post.  

Let me start with my youth.  I come from a Christian family.  We believed in Santa as children.  I stayed awake almost all night once hidden behind the sofa with my camera determined I would get proof of his existence.  Many Christmas mornings he never let me down as the stash of presents lay under the tree.  I wrote him letters, sat on his lap, laid out the plate of cookies, and imagined what I'd say to him if I ever saw him (you know, the real one who came Christmas Eve).  I was jealous watching Christmas specials when the kids in the show ACTUALLY got to talk and be with him.  Santa was magical, gave me hope and made me feel loved.

As a child I also had a knowledge of Jesus Christ.  I never prayed, read scriptures, or really knew any  Bible stories well enough to tell them.  I only attended church a handful of times throughout the year.  Yet, I specifically remember when the Christmas tree was up and I gazed upon it, I thought about the nativity and the birth of the Savior and never did my thoughts turn to Santa.  I played with the nativity scene that was on the coffee table...from the beginning with the angel visiting Mary to the end with the baby being laid in the manger.   I would sing hymns around the house, dress my Barbie's like Joseph and Mary, and knew in my heart what Christmas was about.  One of my most memorable experiences was a dream I had.  I was probably about 8 or 9 years old at the time.  In my dream I was sitting at a long table, and when I say long, it went on forever.  Every seat was filled with other children.  They were speaking excitedly to each other about what was happening and when 'He' would get there.  As I looked down the table to the one being honored as he entered...it was Jesus, and we were there to celebrate his birthday with him.  When I saw him it was magical, gave me hope, and I felt loved.

How was I able to have such a clear understanding and separate each?  I don't know.  It's possible maybe we don't give kids enough credit for what they know...even if they don't say it.  Here I was, a young child with a very BASIC understanding and yet completely understood.  

Yes, my parents lied to me and told me there was a Santa Claus.  Do I hold it against them?  No. Do I even consider it a 'lie'?  No.  Did I lose faith in things?  No.  I am thankful to them for allowing me to be a child and imagine I was a dolphin trainer, Princess Leia, and that there was a Santa.  Make believe as a child is what made childhood magical to me and gave me hope I could be anything and do anything as an adult. 

Another thing I've been hearing lately is that in some homes Santa brings one gift because the parents want the credit for giving most of the gifts.  Um, you are the same person.  O.k., so maybe your kids don't know that and will thank you for their presents..for ONE second, but in the end does it matter who gets the credit?  And if Santa is going to be responsible for bringing the 'slop', then what's that to look forward to as a kid?  When did we become so consumed with who gave who what?  Geez, give Santa a break...(well actually you are because apparently he isn't making as many toys.)

I understand the deeper meaning.  Parents want their kids to understand what the 'true' meaning of Christmas is...without the hype and without feelings of 'receiving.'  I know where the focus of the teachings need to be and we strive hard in our home to do that.  I'm having a harder time with those who choose not to believe in Santa who look upon me as a heathen because we do allow our kids to believe.  I will not push Santa on anyone, but I do not appreciate those who think I have a less Christ-centered Christmas because Santa is spoken of in my home.   Santa is not the bad guy.  The bad guy is when Christ is not spoken of or taught during Christmas or when the emphasis is placed on 'things.'  The bad guy can be the malls, or Kohl's...with their BIGGEST sale of the season (every other day), or anything that tries to monopolize on the meaning of Christmas. 
 Santa, to me, will always be the good guy who was a part of my childhood that happy memories are associated with.  ***UPDATE...A friend of mine shared this quote with me from President Faust.  Find it here.
Thanks Elise.

Actually, speaking of 'bad guys'...who came up with this one?   The 'upside down' Christmas tree:

We saw this trend starting last year.  Seriously, someone explain this to me.  What's next year...sideways trees?  Folks, we have worse problems than Santa.  



Jess said...

Jen-I agree 100% Couldn't have said it better myself! When people give me crap, I am directing theem to this post. Thank you!

Shannon Abbott said...

THANK YOU!!! Love it!

Joey and Megan said...

Agree :) By the way, ask Tonya about her ward's testimony meeting if she hasn't told you already!!!

Although I admit that mom and dad provide the majority of the gifts in our house and Santa brings only a few things, it's more about logistics. I can only hide so much stuff before Christmas or deal with putting out that much on Christmas Eve.

My parents NEVER told me there wasn't a Santa. NEVER. Because there is :)

Steve and Jen said...

Also agree 100%!! I was starting to think I was a bad guy for still having Santa in my home. I am so glad to hear we are not in the minority and that I am not so horrible! I have always heard that Santa is an example of the Wisemen and their gifts to the Savior. I LOVE the magic of Christmas and Santa and it will stay in our home!

Suzanne said...

Did you post a picture of Santa drinking coffee? Who's the bad guy now?? :) I LOVE Santa too. I believe that all the legends of Santa are of a man who believes in Jesus Christ and that is why he did good for others and spread the joy and love of Christmas to all. I especially love my Savior and hope that He is the center of all our days, not just Christmas. Merry Christmas!

Talialisa said...

We believe in Santa - heck I still believe in Santa. My favorite memory as a child was turnign 12 and becoming a Santa's Elf. It was such a cool feeling on Christmas morning when my mother was totally surprised by the stuff we put in her stocking after she went to bed!

We tell our children that Jesus needs us to be angels to other people and sometimes Santa needs us to be elves to other people - it is soooo the same thing. :)

BTW, Steve agreed 100% with everything you said. :)

Ammanda said...

I had to laugh about the Kohl's comment - their "biggest sale of the year" ads crack me up too.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. But dang, were you aiming for the scariest picture of Santa ever? I'm having nightmares and I'm not even asleep.

Leann said...

My little guy told one of my coworkers that Santa is just people who dress up.... I was so sad, because he's only 5 and I didn't know he felt that way!! I corrected him-- I realized it was just because our kids recognized "Santa" at our ward party and had a discussion about how it was someone dressed up. So Clayton is back in the fold. Santa exists, AND some people dress up as him to make others happy and think about Jesus.

Lori said...

Come on ride the train
It's the choo choo ride it
woo woo
Come on ride the train
it's the choo choo train

This song was in my head, I thought it should be in yours now. Your welcome!

Elise and Dan said...

I love your little rants. Probably because I agree with them! I have a wonderful quote that I found through sugardoodle through facebook by President Faust. I'll forward it to you. Santa is more than what the world is making of him.
Santa only gives one gift in our house. I was not raised that way and don't fully agree with it. It was something Dan's parents did in case there was ever a time they couldn't afford gifts, so that there was at least one present for the kids. It wasn't because they didn't want Santa to get all the credit. Santa also didn't wrap their gift. I was all over changing that one! How can you NOT wrap a gift???
Love the upside down tree!! Classic.

Shallenberger Times said...

That tree is totally in my house next year when Clara is old enough to pull of the decorations. Oh how I miss our conversations. :)

Did I mention you should be a writer? :)

Dandi said...

I was WAYYYY heart broken when I found out that Santa wasn't real. I've had a hard time deciding how I want to play out this whole santa thing. Play it up and hope they don't get heart broken, or play it down and lose some of the fun and magic overall. Anyway, I enjoyed your post. It gave me some things to think about.

Lori said...

Do you want to know what bothers me more then the people who don't want to pass on the tradition of Santa Claus? Too bad, I'm going to tell you anyways. People who give you a gift only because you gave them one. Or, even worse, people who don't give you a gift because you didn't give them one first. Can you tell it really chaps my hide? I could really go into a long rant about this, but, here's the bottom line. If I give you a gift for Christmas it's because I wanted too. Not because I felt obligated to, and I would never expect anything in return, end of story.

Okay, I feel much better now, sort of.

my mudda' calls me jack said...

santa is my neighbor who gave me hundreds of dollars of hand-me-down toys and clothes for my baby. santa is the lady at work who had a bunch of brand new toys that her daughter never used and gave them to me for my girls for christmas. santa is my whole family and my little girls singing to the "old folks" at the care center.

I believe in Santa.

Adam and Anya said...

LOL - Are you talking about me?!?!
We don't play up Santa here, but we completely understand parents have to decide what is best for their own families. We explain that "Santa giving" is inside each of us. Our children love to BE Santa during Christmas.

We felt very inspired to teach our kiddos this - just as many parents feel inspired to teach the beautiful whimsy of Santa Claus. I do believe Adam and I will understand why we felt this prompting later - until then, all we can do is obey the prompting.

I have to be honest, many people have given us A LOT of grief for this. Um...like everyone we tell.

We always have such a joyous Christmas, but there are LOTS of people who become enraged that we don't teach our children Santa is a real man.

Whether he's real or not... you and I both know that a happy is family is most important. *wink* :)

p.s. - Adam even snuck out on Christmas eve around midnight shouting "HO,HO,HO!" for all our little neighbor friends who enjoy that wonderful magic! I love Christmas time!! xoxo

The Jones Family said...

You probably don't know me well, if at all. (I'm your distant cousin - a Grandchild of Alexis and Elaine Tanner); I came across your blog via Jeniffer Shorr's blog. I had this SAME conversation with my husband's family. I don't understand why kid's can't believe in BOTH! Absolutely agree with you!

Michell @ Girl In Air said...

Oh had to stop for a read...seen your link on Nicole's FB page....anywho...I guess I wasn't aware of parents wanting to take credit....kinda out of the loop and didn't even know there are people who don't want their kids to believe in Santa...How sad!

I give all the credit to Santa! He's only got a few short years and I got my whole life and the whole year to give gifts!

In our house he fills the stockings and almost everything under the tree is from him...AND one year I even found a piece of red felt on the fireplace....I think he must have ripped his suit! LOL

We still celebrate Jesus' Birthday but always invite Santa!




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