Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ward Christmas Party 09

Our theme was 'A Night in Bethlehem' which meant one thing...I needed to make costumes. Generously, Kelley Smith provided an opportunity to purchase material and some kits. I spent one day in front of a sewing machine and ended up with these:Actually, they were quite comfortable and warm. When will this fashion design return? Anyone? I guess I know why mumus became so popular...and hence why the Snuggie is popular. They're all basically glorified Bethlehem costumes.

The Activities committee did a great job of decorating into an old town market. People signed up to do booths where activities of the times were demonstrated to teach and have the kids involved. I volunteered to do one and searched for something interesting to do. I wanted to find something with music and dance. With music, I would've had to purchase some pricey instruments...and the dancing was far advanced for primary kids. Next....arranged marriages? I didn't think parents would appreciate me setting up their children on dates. Luckily, Ashlee helped me out and gave me a book on weaving. So, for our trip to Utah and back...I learned how to weave. Put your orders in now for sweaters, coasters, dog outifits, and coin purses!!

Jason was a huge help. He did more joke telling and mocking than anything, but he kept me entertained.

The food was delicious. Look at how this man is devouring it.

They were so stinkin' cute in their outfits.

The Nativity Scene was played out.

I ended up singing for a couple numbers. Chris and Kristine did 'More Than Just A Boy' and did a fabulous job while we were their backup.

No seats in the inn.

An Angel and Shepherds.

Brynna's Young Women Group did a number

Wise (?) Men
aka Bishoprich

And a family number.

It was a beautiful night, with such a peaceful spirit. Thanks to those who made it such a great night.

Ty showing his feminine side.

I told him I'd pay big bucks to look as slimming as he did in a dress.

Fellow dreideler.

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