Friday, October 10, 2008

I've been tagged....multiple times

I guess I am a bit behind on blog reading, since I've found I have been tagged recently by a I will put both on here.

I Have been tagged!!The Rules:•Mention the rules on your blog.•Tell about 6 things people don't know about you.•Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.•Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

1. I can't ever seem to make it to bed before 1 a.m. Last night (technically morning) it was 2:30. If I do, I lay there wide eyed and think way too much. Luckily, my body really only seems to rely on 4-5 hours sleep. I keep waiting to grow out of this stage, but I have been like this since high school.

2. I wasn't able to swallow pills whole until about 2 years ago. After 30 years of choking down chewed pills, I decided it was time to get over it, so I practiced on M&M's. Once I mastered that I moved to Peanut M&M's and whalla!

3. I am fascinated in watching real life crime shows about the lives of serial killers and such. I have always wanted to be a detective and love trying to get 'into the mind' of a criminal.

4. My nickname in high school was 'Downtown.' When I go home, I am still referred to as such, even by the parents of my friends.

5. Brynna is into 'Little House on the Prairie' right now. She watches it before her ride comes for school in the morning. She leaves the house with it on...and I have been finding myself watching it...and in tears by the end of every episode!

6. I have always seemed to be motivated by competition. Something I must have picked up by having an older brother. There are things I HATE to do, but if any kind of competition is added to it, BRING IT ON!

The next TAG....

Eight brilliant, intellectually stimulating shows I watch...thank goodness for DVR.
1. Amazing Race
2. The Office
3. Dancing With the Stars
4. Ghost Hunters
5. Price is Right
6. Intervention
7. Paranormal State
8. Beach Patrol

Eight amazing, life altering things that happened yesterday...
1. Watched the Alger Twins
2. Went to the temple
3. Made a new recipe
4. Ate the new recipe
5. Did something I can't write about on the blog, but it involves Britt's surburban. ;)
6. Went to DQ
7. Ran 3 miles
8. Slept with the windows open!

Eight Favo Places to Eat...
1. Babbo
2. The Yard House
3. Ra
4. Mom's ;)
5. Paradise Bakery
6. Humbertos
7. Carrabba's
8. Jason's grilling

Eight Things I'm looking forward to with unparalleled anticipation...
1. Election Day
2. Fall Break
3. Our next Vacation
4. Jason getting done with Masters Degree
5. Fitting into the clearance designer jeans I bought...justifying I WILL get in them.
6. A Killer Party on Friday!
7. My dream house that is designed in my head.
8. eternal life that is.

Eight glorious people I tag...
1. Steph
2. Shana
3. Nicole
4. Anya
5. Tonya
6. All other people
7. Anyone I forgot
8. Everyone else


Lori said...

Down town, so many places that could go. My head is starting to spin. You are gonna have to explain that one!

Joey and Megan said...

What happens in the Suburban stays in the Suburban.

The end.

Rob and Tonya Shallenberger said...

ok...I learned some more about you. I thought I knew you so well.

thanks for the phone call. So great to talk to you. Felt like old times. You are a great friend.





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