Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hometown Homies

There are plenty of things I can complain about growing up in a smaller town, but one thing I have absolutely loved is that I grew up with the best of friends. It's probably no surprise that I hung out with the boys more. I preferred playing rough and tough rather than getting my nails done. No other girl was into cars, jet skiing, or racing. But it was the boys who taught me which cars were pieces of crap, how to regain control from a spin on gravel or snow, and how to drive a stick. They fueled my competitive spirit. And they have been my continual cheerleaders.

We have been friends for over 20 years. We have seen each other triumph, fall, and go through trials that were hard to bear. They hold of some of my biggest, darkest secrets ;) and vice versa, but yet feel completely safe in knowing they are locked in the vault. I often wonder how I would have done it without them. And one of the great joys for me in life, is that we continue to make time for one another even if thousands of miles separate us. I am so thankful for their friendship and continual blunt honesty. They have helped me become a better wife, mom, and friend and I am positive they have no idea how great they really are. So Ryan and Chris, here's to 20 more.


Lori said...

DUDE! I totally set the second picture as a background on my computer. JK! That old saying is so true. Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver the other is gold. So true, so true. Except I'm still not sure which one is silver??? Which one is gold??? I'll just pretend I'm your gold!

Jess said...

Long time friends are the best! And WOW look at those hot legs of yours!!!

Joey and Megan said...

I was thinking the same think as Jessica, sexy legs.

I was never quite as much into the girly things as my friends and always loved having my guy friends.

Rob and Tonya Shallenberger said...

All I have to say....LOOK AT THOSE SKIN SHORTS your friend is wearing. WOW!!! I think that aged you a bit. :)

Unknown said... was a wet suit. :)

my mudda' calls me jack said...

oh my gosh jen, i didn't realize how old you are...
ha ha ha! Balloons are freakin' COOL!!!!!!!!!




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