Thursday, February 9, 2012


It's no secret, I'm a huge word nerd.  Hence, I like word games.  I was especially thrilled to download the app Words With Friends.  
The key word is friends. I'm a bit sleep deprived and in a bold mood today so here's my beef (and my tone is in it's usual sarcasm with an added high level of irritation below the surface). I can't tell you how miffed I am that some of my word buddies have chosen to change the game to Words With Cheaters.  The 'friend' portion has exited the game.  I'm playing a computer in proxy of my friends due to them downloading the app for cheats and word solvers.  How do I know they're cheating you ask?  Because before their cheating days they'd be lucky to get a 30 point word and now they're getting 80 or 90 points?!! Trust me, I know their intelligence after playing them for so many months.  I'm not saying that I don't throw a word up there hoping it'll stick at times, but I'm not about to let the computer give me hints or cheats to win. Where's the glory in that?  Seriously, are you so hell bent on beating me that you sacrifice your own integrity for a little satisfaction?  You know what feels really good?  When they cheat and I STILL win...that's right, choke on my letters cheaters.

 I don't know how the app works because I've not attempted to investigate therefore I can't proclaim to know what it all entails or how much assistance it offers.  If someone would like to enlighten me, feel free, with the disclaimer that you will be exposing yourself as a cheater and therefore will no longer be playing against me as a friend, but as my nemesis.



Stephanie said...

So funny. I agree it ruins all the fun to play with cheaters. I think the fun is all in the challenge.

Anonymous said...

I can honestly say I beat you every time fair and square.




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