Friday, August 13, 2010

Opinions Matter

My friends...I need your help.  Jason is officially done with school in a month which now means I will begin.   I've attended college at the University of Nebraska and Hastings College, have a degree, but am seeking for a career to be passionate about.  Gritty teeth and bad breath (of patients) just won't cut it. I am generally a happy person, which means I could be happy flipping (a.k.a. microwaving) burgers at McDonald's but I desire a career I am excited about that would also be excited about me.  My problem being, I could be an eternal student.  I want to do EVERYTHING, but since I don't want to leave my kids with a mountain of school debt when I die...I had better get it narrowed down.  I have been actively striving for guidance.  I have taken multiple tests as far as what 'type' of careers would best suit my personality, skills, and passion.
According to the quizzes I rank highest in Persuasion at 99%....following is Creativity at 82%...and Communication at 79%.....everything else was under 50%. 

My point to this...I would appreciate and value your opinion. I have some ideas I am tossing around but would also like to know what YOU could picture me doing in a career. (Sarcasm unwelcome...for once) Sometimes you learn more about yourself from others than you know about yourself.
So, please share some ideas that would fit in the persuasion, creativity, and communication category.  If your career is chosen maybe I'll throw in a college t-shirt...or an invite to the graduation...and/or you can just sleep well at night knowing you inspired me.  



Stephanie said...

I told you that I think you are amazing with teenagers. I don't know all the careers you could have to help and guide youth, but I think you would be great in that area. You have inspired many already!

Lori said...

How about fashion? You could be a designer, or stylist? Those require creativity, and we all know you can dress/shop. Stephanies idea is good too, I guess...

Since when is sarcasm not aloud? I say never!Have you met yourself...

love ya!

Anonymous said...

The marketing field would fit you perfectly with your sense of vision and creative out-of-the-box thinking.

Out side of the business arena, you would be great as a councilor, especially with teens.

Ang said...

Since I know you from actually working with you I know you could do/be anything and be good at it.
I can see you being a radio DJ. You've always been entertaining, top it with your sultry voice and lets face it, you know your music.
You would also make a great lawyer.
But most of all, you really know people and know what makes them tick. You have to do something that deals with individual people because many times you know them more than they know themselves and you peg them within 10 minutes. Or at least you did with me ;)

Laurie said...

Weren't you going to get your pilot's license at one time? Especially if it didn't cost you anything. Your kids would think you're so cool.
I guess the only thing you could use would be persuasiveness to get people to sit down and buckle up!

Brynna Tanner said...

I think you should be a hair stylist because you're really good at doing my hair. :)

I also think you should be a book writer.


Anonymous said...

You are smart and a total babe, so you should do broadcast journalism. Then you could be on the news and then you could host your own show. Maybe you'll be the next Oprah! Feel free to cut me a check when it happens.

Adam and Anya said...

I have felt strongly that you would be excellent in continuing politics. You are really good at standing up for what you believe and you have great communication skills (getting to know people, making them laugh, and listening to their concerns). Not to would set great fashion trends for other women.

You campaign with strength and you have no problem helping others succeed too. Perhaps this isn't an area you would want continue in, but you are very VERY good at it.

I completely understand what you are going through with a career choice. As I plug away at school, it's so difficult to make a choice. The great blessings of agency is the ability to choose our own adventures!

What have you ALWAYS wanted to do? What was the one thing you dreamed of doing? Patriarchal blessings are a great compass for the many paths that lie ahead. Hugs!

my mudda' calls me jack said...

I had the same thought about teens when I was thinking/considering/reading... you would be such a fun highschool teacher...
I also think design (homes, business, etc.), that would give you a lot of flexibility and you could make a business anywhere that your family life takes you. You would work great with people and get to go spend their money.

catie said...


Caity said...

a wedding/party planer!!! :)

Talialisa said...

Honestly, I agree with all of the above, but my first thougth was have your own column in the paper - it could either be advice or it could focus on a certain subject (music, fashion) or... it could be one of those great columns that is different every week, but always thought provoking.

Rob and Tonya Shallenberger said... I have been gone forever...and am catching up on everything.

I say...Heck with school and start writing books. You know you need to publish all of your thoughts and words.

Kelley Bochman Smith said...

Broadcast Journalist= Way back when "Beth & Bill" (99.9) were really funny. Beth got too hard edged & mean, Poor Bill passed away not long ago, You'd make a great radio host in the morning. Funny, with an edge, but not R rated......(then you'd also be home for the kids when they get home from school.)




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