Friday, December 26, 2008

Snow Day

If the snow won't come to us, then we will find it. I think everyone was beginning to get cabin fever after being home for the week. All we've heard from family and friends was about all the snowy weather they were having. Frankly, we were feeling left out, and a bit bored of our 60 degree weather. Friday, we thought we would get in the car and drive north without a final destination in mind; as long as we found snow to play in. We drove toward Sedona to spend some time there and then headed toward Flagstaff. It wasn't 30 below zero, but it was cold enough to get the nose running and the hands and ears numb. The kids could have played for hours. They were brutal; throwing ice chunks instead of powder puff. We did manage to get the truck stuck, but I can assure you, it was all for the 'ambiance'. The best part is, this one day of snow will do me good for the next year. While my eyes love the scenery of a winter's day in mountain country, my body loves the warmth of the Phoenix sun.

No comment. Okay, okay...if you are in freakish places, you HAVE to stop to check out the goods.

Okay, seriously Rob, you CAN'T tell me they don't exist. What more proof do you need??

I would pay good money to rent this for a night.

We passed on the probing.


Stephanie said...

I want to see the aliens! I am so jealous.

Rob and Tonya Shallenberger said...

Well, I suppose I was wrong. Apparently aliens do exist, no more camping alone for me::)


Mason clan 5 said...

I feel the same way about the snow and I am it for the next week.(UTAH) But the kids only come in to get warm and then they are out again.I miss my 60 degree weather.

Dandi said...

Hey, if you rent out that truck...I want to come along for the joy riding! That would be a good time!!!

Rob and Tonya Shallenberger said...

Love the photos. sure do miss ya. I remembered last years Christmas....the famous marshmallow fight at the Tanners.

We just got back from UT. Tons of snow and lots of fun sledding and skiing. We miss it already, but it is a bit warmer here....60 degrees..and that feels nice too.

Happy New Year!


The Williamses said...

We loaded up 3 families and went to the snow on Saturday-- we made a questionable decision and turned towards Payson instead of continuing on to Flagstaff... I think the whole state was pulled over on the side of the highway, and after driving around for almost 2 hours, we found a spot-- 15 minutes later, the Highway Patrol came and told the state of Arizona to go back home (apparently it is illegal to park on the side of a state highway. Who knew? Okay I did but didn't care.) The kids did NOT get it out of their system. Next time I think we'll hit Flag.




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